By : Aristanti Oktavia Dewi
Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Proklamasi 45

earth is a beautiful planet. Don’t look how about the physical of it, but look
at everything in it. There are everything like humans, animals, plants, nature
and the others. All live creatures in this world have variation and they will
form a variety of culture and ethnic together with nature and live creatures.
Sometimes, many problems will come like the breakage of environment; the
minimum of human energy source, natural energy source is unexplored maximally,
war, conflict between or among countries in this world, poverty, education
problem, corruption, and etc. As young generation, it will be better to think
about the best method what must the humans do and have a role to develop all
countries in this world.
Actually, among humans in this world
will form a culture. In the certain areas will form it automatically. Why? My
reason is humans in this entire world cannot live by themselves. They will
gather with all people around their environment. The differences of culture
will influence their life. But, among all countries with different cultures
must do something in order to the unity of citizen can`t be broken.
This is the duty to all people in
this world. Because of that, Many problems like have explained above, we must
be able to solve it. The breakage of environment is our environment which
doesn’t manage well in the certain areas. Usually it happens because some
people who don’t aware about the importance of environment from the beauty and
the cleanness of environment. The best way to solve it likes giving a
comprehension about the importance about the environment. The broken
environment will make natural disasters happen. When flood, landslide, erosion
happen, they will give the bad impact for the humans life. The natural
disasters will affect many victims fall. So, character education and guidance
is important to develop in the humans’ environment.
Human energy source, especially for
the underdeveloped countries with many citizens are less to get the enough
education. So, it is better, if the citizens in each country must be cultivated
and educated from their government, in order to they can increase the human
energy source. Related with it, the good human energy source can support the
natural energy source which can be explored maximally. If it happens, it can
develop the certain country and the country will be better than before. It will
be optimize to happen because the best human energy source must be going to
manage the natural energy source well and suitable with the available rules.
Reconciliation between two countries
or among many countries must be done. It will help to avoid war and conflict
among many countries. The government must be keep the relation in his country
in order to it has the good relation in the other countries’ view. All
countries should make a treaty which can regulate their countries. It is so
important to support the advancement of many countries in this world.
Poverty is still rampant. There are
many citizens with limited life. They usually live in the place which doesn’t
proper. Children with the bad economy condition usually don’t study in a school
because they always think that they will not be able to study in a school
without much money to pay the payment of school and etc. It is so tragic, all
children in the good economy situation can develop their knowledge but the
children in the bad economy can’t do it. So, how about the education system, if
education can’t get for all children in this world evenly? It is not a justice,
whereas all countries must just to face all citizens in it. All citizens have
rights to the good education.
for corruption case, it must be spend the money supply of a country and
indirectly the case affect the poverty from the citizens with the limited
income. Advisable, awareness must be developed in order to every leader in this
world do their duties well and never harm the money of citizens. With religion
aspect, corruption is the bad case which can make misery all people, especially
all poor people, and smear the country image.
(The above essay is used to participate in International
Essay Contest, conducted by The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO).
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