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Irsyadi Nafis

FakultasTeknik Universitas Proklamasi 45


It was started when I was confused to choose what I would do after graduating from vacational school, I did not have any plan for myself. Everybody asked me that where you were going to continue your study but I always said that I did not know at that time. The others people wanted to come to some colleges and taking some tests to hope that they were accepted at what they wanted in university. So that was me when I still confused to choose or doing anything for my future, anything. Some people in my family said to me that I also had to take some test, but did you know what I was thinking when my family or you perhaps asked me what you were going to choose for your major? I said that I did not know at all. As teenager my uncle was saying something to me that I was still young. Hoping is something important to you and choosedfor your future, although you disliked and stop complaining if you had tried yet. You could not be helped even your family and you were unable to ask help them too. The problem was your problem which you had to face it alone. Trusting yourself that you were able to do it. Perhaps, one way was going to give you another way to help your problem and opened your destination. Well that was making me changed.

To be continued

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